Providing the Community with Premium Cannabinoid Formulations at the Most Competitive Prices on the market
When purchasing products for your store or distribution center, its important to take into account Compliance, Quality, and Pricing.
All ingredients used for our products are top notch, with up to date full panel testing available per batch for compliance and safety. Additionally, all manufactured products are full panel tested.
To assure a safe and high quality product, all of our products are produced in a FDACS licensed commercial processing facility that receives periodic inspections and is cGMP compliant. We work closely with the National Hemp Association, Florida Healthy Alternative Association, as well as top rated cannabis attorney Rod Kight to ensure we stay up to date with all aspects of compliance.
When purchasing from Highly Concentr8ed, you will have the peace of mind of knowing the products you stock are fully compliant meeting all Federal and State Regulations while receiving a premium quality product at the lowest price on the market guaranteed .
Please create a username and password and provide a valid email address. To expedite approval, submit your business information, including your EIN and Resale License Number. Processing will take 1-2 business days. Once approved, you will be able to view wholesale pricing when logged into your account
Please assure to include a valid ein number, business address, and business name to avoid any delays with approval.
Starting wholesale quantities: $250.0 total. Orders can be placed directly on our website once your wholesale account is approved or with your assigned wholesale representative; once logged into your wholesale account, the wholesale store will be viewable.
For distributor pricing on orders please contact your wholesale representative or reach out to us directly at [email protected]
For bulk pricing on custom orders or for white label orders please contact your wholesale representative or contact us directly [email protected] with desired skus and quantities