Hemp Vs. Marijuana: What’s The Difference?

Most cannabis users believe that marijuana and hemp are two separate plant species, but this is not the case. These two plants are merely two different names for the same species: cannabis. However, while science does not distinguish between “hemp” and “marijuana,” the law makes this distinction.

Both hemp and marijuana come from related species, yet they have vastly different legal statuses, uses, and advantages than one another. One is lawful across the United States, and the other is only permitted in states that have passed legislation allowing for its usage.

This article will discuss what the cannabis plant is and examine the differences between hemp and marijuana plants to clear up the uncertainty. Let us start with a short introduction to the cannabis world.

The cannabis plants and their connection to hemp and marijuana

Hemp and marijuana are included in the same family of cannabis plants. The only other prominent member of this family is the hop plant (Humulus lupulus), used as one of the key components in manufacturing alcoholic beverages.

Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis sativa species is the most widely distributed cannabis plant. A variety of strains of this species exist, some with high THC content (marijuana), others with extremely low THC content (cannabis), and with no THC at all (hemp).

This plant is thought to have started in Southeast Asia, where the humidity is far more significant and the growing season significantly more extensive. Thus, it has the longest flowering time of all the cannabis species and develops to the biggest size possible.

Cannabis Indica

Given that cannabis Indica is a plant that evolved in colder climes, it exhibits greater resistance to cold weather and the blooming period. This allows for more efficient harvesting throughout the shorter growing seasons. Because of its smaller plant size and larger blossom size, it has only lately become a popular species among farmers interested in producing psychoactive products.

Cannabis Indica is great for folks growing their plants indoors under artificial lighting. It would be impossible to properly develop a huge cannabis Sativa strain inside if the growing room were not designed with specific care for its size and height growth.

As of right now, there are no Cannabis Indica strains that are categorized as hemp. All individuals of this species are classed as marijuana, including their offspring.

Cannabis Ruderalis

Cannabis Ruderalis is a plant species that is less well-known. It is a tiny plant that produces extremely poor yields and has little fiber content.

What distinguishes this strain from others is its capacity to produce blooms regardless of the length of the day. This contrasts with the characteristics of Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa, which are both significantly impacted by the day’s duration.

Difference between strain and species

The different types of cannabis species are the Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis. These are distinguished by their genetic makeup and distinctive development patterns.

The cannabis plant is extremely complex. There is a great deal of potential for variation even within these species. The different variations of this pattern are referred to as “strains.”

To demonstrate how strains of the same species can be radically different, the best example is the comparison of hemp and marijuana strains. Even though they are both considered the same species due to the overlap in their genetic makeup, there are significant differences in the growth characteristics between the two species.

There are thousands of different cannabis plant strains to choose from. Some are found naturally, while others need to be bred to have certain characteristics and increase their marketability. Each cannabis strain has a unique set of characteristics that have been intentionally designed into the plant by a breeder.

Some strains are bred to generate high levels of THC, while others are intended to produce bigger blooms, yet others are engineered to withstand excessively dry or humid conditions.

What is marijuana, and how is it different from hemp plants?

Even though marijuana and hemp are members of the cannabis family, they are vastly different plants. The key difference is that the latter is bushier and has larger leaves, while the former is leaner and has shinier leaves.

When it comes to their chemical composition, the number of cannabinoids in hemp plants and marijuana plants is vastly different. The amount of THC present in each strain is the most significant legal distinction between them.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the cannabinoid found in the most incredible abundance in marijuana, and it is this chemical cannabinoid that is responsible for the euphoric effects of the plant. This chemical causes you to get high when you smoke, vape, or consume cannabis.

THC is converted into CBN during the degradation process, which is used to induce sleep. Only a tiny fraction of the THC is turned into its more stable variant, delta 8 THC.

Marijuana vs. hemp

Marijuana is a cannabis species that has a large number of different strains. The cannabinoid found in the greatest quantity in this plant is THC. Its CBD level fluctuates between 5 and 30%.

Several precisely developed cannabis strains include higher concentrations of CBD and lower THC ratios than others — yet they are more popular among medical marijuana patients than recreational marijuana consumers.

THC levels in marijuana can reach as high as 30%, but THC levels in hemp are less than 0.3%. Since hemp has low quantities of THC, it has traditionally been utilized for industrial purposes, unlike marijuana which recreational users are most often using.

Is marijuana completely legal?

Despite recent improvements in United Nations drug rules, marijuana has been removed from the most restrictive schedule of restricted drugs. Marijuana remains illegal on a federal level, despite recent changes in international drug regulations. Marijuana-related activities, including the possession, cultivation, sale and transit of marijuana, are strictly illegal under federal law.

Although marijuana is federally illegal, individual state laws have the authority to regulate it inside their borders. So far, recreational marijuana has been authorized in 17 states, with additional states expected to follow suit soon. Also, almost every state offers a medical marijuana program for patients.

Although federal legalization is on the horizon sooner rather than later, it is always a good idea to double-check the local marijuana laws when traveling between states until that time comes.

What is a hemp plant, and how is it different from 


A hemp plant is also a form of cannabis Sativa. However, there are no Cannabis Indica strains authorized to grow as hemp under the current legislation. Hemp plants are produced for various uses, including industrial applications, food production, and health supplements.

Farmers will collect the hemp seeds to use in hemp seed oil manufacturing. Aside from producing hemp oil, hemp CBD is also created using the plant’s flower. Hemp is even used in the production of biodiesel by some companies.

As a result of hemp’s quick growth and strong fibers, it was well suited for use in producing durable rope, clothing, sails, and paper. The stalks and stems are used to make strong fiber, which will be used to create textiles.

Although hemp does not contain any psychoactive cannabinoids, it does contain many levels of cannabidiol (CBD), which is a cannabinoid that is also present in marijuana.

Hemp vs. marijuana

The same plant produces both THC and CBD, with the only variable being the quantity of THC each plant produces. However, while both plants contain the same genes, they will differently express these genes. In contrast to marijuana plants, hemp plants do not express the genes that convert CBG to THC and instead concentrate on converting CBG to CBD.

Marijuana does contain the genes that code for the creation of THC. Any plant containing more than 0.3%THC by dry weight is classified as marijuana. Any plant containing less than this is classified as hemp.

The legal status of hemp

The federal government authorized hemp as part of the 2018 Farm Bill. It was removed from the list of restricted drugs due to the new state law.

Since hemp has since developed into an agricultural commodity, anyone can grow hemp or enter the hemp cultivation industry for various applications such as food preparation, textiles, paper, biofuel, and construction materials. Health supplements such as CBD oil and recreational products such as delta 8 THC are also some examples of hemp-derived CBD products.

Under the terms of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp and all of its derivatives are declared lawful on a federal level. This indicates that delta 8 THC is likewise lawful as long as it is derived from hemp, which is the case currently. Since hemp plants contain less than 0.3% THC, they are not considered psychoactive.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has asserted that all synthetically generated THC is federally illegal. So, to summarize, hemp-derived CBD products are still considered legal under federal law.

Which one between hemp and marijuana is better?

Whether hemp or cannabis is more effective as a medical plant is still disputed. However, we feel it is dependent on the illness being treated.

Most hemp-derived CBD and marijuana-derived products are highly beneficial because they contain many plant compounds. These compounds include CBD and THC, minor cannabinoids (CBN, CBC, CBG), terpenes (linalool, limonene, and other terpenes), and flavonoids.

Read on below to get a clearer view of the medicinal benefits of hemp and marijuana.

When alleviating pain

Marijuana is often more effective for pain management than hemp-derived CBD. This is primarily due to the “high” associated with THC, which may cognitively hide how you respond to pain, almost as if you are unaware of it. That is not to suggest that CBD isn’t beneficial. It is beneficial, especially when taken with THC and should be considered.

When easing the symptoms of anxiety

When compared to CBD, marijuana is less effective in alleviating anxiety symptoms. Increased THC levels have been shown to cause an increase in anxiety feelings. This happens when CB1 receptors stimulate brain areas involved in fear and fear perception.

CBD can counteract this THC-induced panic response by modifying the shape and size of CB1 receptors, which inhibits THC from adequately attaching to the receptors in question.

CB1 receptors in the brain are activated when you consume marijuana flowers, which is why it is intoxicating. Marijuana flower has greater concentrations of THC, which stimulates dopamine production in the brain.

When getting better sleep

There is a prevalent misperception that smoking marijuana with a high concentration of THC might help you sleep better. However, this is not entirely accurate. 

THC can make you tired at doses of 10mg or above, but it can also make you restless, with racing thoughts and lots of energy. This does not help get a good night’s sleep. Using a combination of CBD and THC in this situation (high-CBD marijuana might help since CBD has a calming effect and may alleviate racing thoughts and restlessness.

Recommended hemp and marijuana products

Here are some of the best and most high-quality hemp and marijuana products that are worth checking out:

Delta 8 Moonrocks

A high-grade hemp flower is used to make these Premium Delta 8 Moonrocks. This product is dipped and heavily saturated in Delta 8 distillate before rolling in CBG kief. It is currently available on the market, with around 428 mg of Delta 8 per gram, making it the most powerful among other moonrocks. The size of the moon rocks will differ.

Instant Relief Full Spectrum Pain Salve

The Instant Relief Full Spectrum Pain Salve provides a powerful warming and cooling sensation. Its formula contains 2000mg/3500mg active cannabinoids in a concentrated form. This product only has the best quality components and the purest essential oils.

To use Instant Relief Full Spectrum Pain Salve, massage the product on the skin and muscles as often as necessary for the optimum benefits. THC content is less than 0.3 % and has equal parts of Delta-8 THC and CBD.

High Potency Delta 8 Smores Bites

Prepare to salivate as an explosion of deliciousness pleasures your senses as you take a bite of High Potency Delta 8 Smores Bites. This edible is made of graham crackers and marshmallows wrapped in rich, creamy milk chocolate. Each smores bite is masterfully infused with 50mg of THC, for 100mg of THC per pack.

The High Potency Delta 8 S’mores Bites deliver a powerful punch and are extremely effective. It provides a profound head and body pleasure that will leave you feeling rejuvenated. Please note that edible effects can have a delayed onset of up to four hours after consumption, depending on your metabolism. It would be best if you administered these edibles cautiously. Thus, it is recommended to start with 1/2 of a smores bite.

CBN-O Isolate

CBN-O Isolate is a strong instrument for promoting calm relaxation. However, it is somewhat more potent and has a longer duration of action than CBN. Several people have reported that this cannabinoid is ideal for unwinding after a long day. Mixing with other cannabinoids will provide the finest results.

What exactly is CBN-O? Cannabis contains cannabinol acetate, also known as CBN-O, a slightly psychoactive component found in cannabis. This compound is more powerful than CBN and will have a longer effect.

In addition to helping control the immune system, this cannabinoid has been shown to reduce the pain and inflammation produced by various illnesses, including arthritis and Crohn’s disease. According to research, it may lower the intraocular eye pressure produced by glaucoma in some patients. Given that CBN-O may have anticonvulsant properties, it may be helpful in treating seizures and epilepsy in people suffering from these conditions.

High Potency Delta 8 Chocolate Bar

Indulge in creamy, thick, and well-balanced chocolate delectableness with a dash of caramel flavor with High Potency Delta 8 Chocolate Bar. Be aware that these chocolate bars have been carefully infused with 200mg Delta 8 THC per bar, which is quite strong.

There are eight squares in each High Potency Delta 8 Chocolate Bar, with 25mg within each square. Even though these chocolate bars are highly strong, they provide intense head and body bliss that will leave you feeling incredible.

Please remember that edible effects might manifest up to four hours after ingestion, depending on your metabolism. It will help if you administer our edibles at an appropriate amount. Thus, starting with 1-2 squares (25mg-50mg) is recommended to get a feel for the product. Also, it is suggested that you eat 10-30 minutes before or after taking the edibles to get the most out of them.


Marijuana and hemp are quite similar. Both plants have chemical profiles that differ from one another. To be recognized as hemp, a plant must contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight, but anything with more than this proportion is considered marijuana.

Hemp flowers will not make you feel intoxicated, but they may provide a little sense of pleasure. This is due to the brain and central nervous system stimulation caused by CBD and other plant components that operate with THC.

Hemp plants are lawful in most countries worldwide because they contain no detectable amounts of THC. Since hemp does not have a psychoactive effect, government officials have begun to relax their prohibitions on the plant in recent years.

As a result, hemp plants, rather than marijuana, are used to produce the vast majority of CBD products now available on the market. You can also find products combining CBD and CBG by visiting the product section of Highly Concentr8ed.

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Highly Concentr8ed is a cutting-edge manufacturing lab and distributor of Hemp Derived products.

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