Cannabinoid Oil – Ingredients and How To Make it

This blog post will go through the different steps in making the perfect batch of cannabidiol oil. This is a straightforward process, but it is essential to follow each step carefully to produce a high-quality product.

CBD oil is gaining traction throughout Canada as a natural and alternative treatment for various medical conditions, and many people are looking for ways to make their own at home. If you’re one of those folks interested in learning how to make your own CBD oil, read on!

It’s no secret cannabidiol oil. It is becoming increasingly popular among cannabis users — the amateur and not. This is because cannabis oil has a lot of advantages that other forms of marijuana don’t. Due to its numerous benefits, infused oil has become an appealing alternative for individuals who simply don’t want to smoke cannabis or hemp flowers. 

Thanks to CBD’s increased popularity, one will encounter no hassle spotting CBD oil at a local dispensary. You can even order them online. But making CBD oil at home could be a better way to source it for yourself!

There’s so much to gush about making CBD oil at the comfort of your abode. Not only is it an excellent activity to do in your free time, but it also creates a final product that you’re bound to love. Homemade CBD oil may be as good as the store bought ones — so if you want to know more, keep reading and follow our very own cannabis oil recipe!

What are the benefits of making CBD oil at home?

Most marijuana users think that it’s pretty challenging to make CBD oil – so they resort to just buying the product. But once you know the process, it’ll be a breeze for you! So if you’re planning on taking up this project, here are some reasons why homemade cannabis oil is worth the effort:

It’s easy to make

Making CBD oil at home isn’t as challenging as you may think it is. With the right set of equipment (plus a ‘Lil time and effort), you can create your high-quality cannabis oil that’ll surely be perfect for swirling into some brownie batter or just straight off the spoon.

It’s cost-effective

Buying CBD or hemp oil can be pretty expensive, especially if you’re a regular user — and being one has its perks! But making your very own batch can save you so much since all you need to buy is the materials required for the recipe. The rest you’ll find at home already!

It’s customizable

When you make CBD oil at home, you’re in charge of the ingredients that go into it. This means that you can choose to add other cannabinoids like THC or terpenes for a more customized experience. You also get to decide on the potency and flavor of your homemade oil!

It lasts longer

Store Bought CBD oils tend to have a shorter shelf life, but when you make your own, they will last equally as long (or longer) as you want them to. This is because you’re in complete control of the ingredients and how they’re combined.

It’s fun!

Making cannabis oil can be a fun activity that you can do with friends or family. It’s also a great way to get closer to your loved ones and learn more about their interests! And to top it all off, don’t you know that you can consume cannabis oil in many ways (more on this later).

Cannabidiol Oil Recipe #1 (Carrier Oil-based)

There are two common ways to make CBD-infused oil: one involving alcohol and the other with a carrier oil. The latter route is a more food-safe option, given that the oil used is edible to begin with.

A carrier oil is simply used to dilute essential oils (or, in this case, CBD) before they’re either consumed or applied directly to the skin. Carrier oils can also dissolve cannabinoids so the body can easily absorb them when it comes to CBD.

There’s a variety of carrier oils you can choose from, but we’ll be using olive oil in this recipe. Here’s our sample recipe for cannabidiol oil that used carrier oil.


  • Cannabis bud or trim (either will work)
  • High-quality olive oil or coconut oil
  • A slow cooker or crockpot
  • Cheesecloth
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Storage container(s)


  1. Decarboxylate the Cannabis. This crucial step in making cannabidiol oil should not be skipped if you want potency! To start with, preheat your oven to 240 degrees Fahrenheit and spread out the cannabis on an oven-safe tray. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, stirring a few times throughout the baking process.
  2. Combine the cannabis and oil in your slow cooker or crockpot. Set the heat on low and let your cannabidiol oil cook for six to eight hours.
  3. Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth and a fine-mesh strainer. Squeeze out as much oil as possible before discarding the leftover plant material.
  4. Pour the oil into storage containers and label them accordingly. Keep your oil in a cool and dark place for up to six months.

There you have it! Our very own recipe for CBD oil that you can make right at home. With this knowledge, you can skip spending so much money at the dispensary and instead make your high-quality oil that’ll last longer.

But if you’re not into DIY projects, we also have a wide variety of CBD oils for sale. We’ve got all types — ranging from terpene-rich Cannabinoid Blends to potent Cannabinoid Isolates! So if you’re interested, browse through our catalog and find out which one suits you best!

Cannabidiol Oil Recipe #2 (Alcohol-based)

Another way to make CBD oil at home is to use food-safe alcohol. This technique will yield a more potent CBD oil, but it’s essential to find the proper ratio of alcohol and cannabis for desired effects. Don’t get confused: this recipe still calls for a carrier oil.

The primary difference is that instead of extracting the CBD with an oil solvent, an alcohol solvent is used. As mentioned previously, this allows you to extract much more CBD than you’d typically do. The downside of alcohol extraction is that the technique can cause your oil to develop unusual flavors and side effects.


  • High CBD hemp flower or trim (either will work)
  • High-quality food-safe alcohol like Everclear or vodka
  • A slow cooker or crockpot
  • A jar or container to strain the mixture into
  • Cheesecloth
  • A carrier oil to dilute the final product


  1. Grind the cannabis bud or trim until it is a fine consistency that resembles coffee grounds. You will want to use more than flowers if using trim because of lower potency and content. There’s no need to be 100% precise if your final product contains what you desire.
  2. Place the ground cannabis into a slow cooker or crockpot and cover with alcohol until wholly submerged. You will want to use about six ounces of cannabis for every one gallon of alcohol. The more you add, the stronger your CBD oil will be. You can always dilute later if you use too much.
  3. Cover the crockpot and set the stove heat to low. Leave it uncovered for the first hour so that alcohol fumes can escape.
  4. After an hour or two, place a lid on top of the slow cooker. Let simmer for at least three hours (or up to eight). Stir occasionally.
  5. After the simmering is complete, strain the mixture into a jar or other container through a cheesecloth. Try to squeeze out as much alcohol as possible before discarding the cannabis.
  6. Add your carrier oil of choice until you reach your desired concentration. We recommend starting with one ounce of carrier oil for every six ounces of CBD oil. Store your alcohol-extracted oil in a cool and dark place.

What are the best carrier oils to use in CBD oil?

When it’s time to make your own CBD oil, you have a variety of different carrier oils that you can use. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Olive oil: This type of oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and is considered one of the healthiest oils to consume. It’s also an excellent choice for CBD oil because it has a mild flavor that doesn’t overpower the cannabis taste.
  • Coconut oil: This delicious and fragrant oil is rich in saturated fats, making it an ideal candidate for CBD oil. It also has a very mild flavor and a long shelf life.
  • Sunflower oil: This is another great option for CBD oil because it’s rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It has a light, neutral taste and doesn’t solidify at colder temperatures.
  • Hemp seed oil: It is considered one of the most popular choices for CBD oil because it’s rich in omega fatty acids that aid significantly with inflammation. It also has a mild taste that won’t overpower the cannabis flavor!
  • MCT oil consists of medium-chain triglycerides, which the body can easily convert into ketones. Thanks to this property, MCT oil is excellent for raising their ketone levels. It also has a very mild flavor and doesn’t solidify at colder temperatures.
  • Jojoba oil: This type of oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. It also has a mild flavor that won’t overpower the cannabis taste!
  • Avocado oil: Avocado oil contains high levels of monounsaturated fats, making it perfect for making CBD products. It also has an earthy taste and doesn’t solidify at colder temperatures.
  • Grapeseed oil is an excellent choice for edible oil because it’s high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Luckily, this oil has a neutral taste and doesn’t solidify at colder temperatures.

Each of these oils has its unique benefits, so it’s essential to choose the one that’s best suited for your needs. Coconut oil, for example, is excellent for skincare and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil is a popular choice because it’s rich in antioxidants and helps improve cardiovascular health.

So which carrier oil should you choose? It depends on what you’re looking for in CBD oil. If you want to keep things simple, we recommend going with olive oil or coconut oil base. If you’re looking for something tastier, then avocado oil may be right up your alley!

Can I mix essential oils with my homemade CBD oil?

Yes, you can! Many people prefer to add a few drops of their chosen essential oil to their CBD oil for an extra boost of benefits. Popular essential oils to add are lavender, peppermint, and rosemary.

These oils have various benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving cognitive function, and helping with sleep. So if you’re looking for added benefits, be sure to add some essential oils to your CBD oil!

Here’s a list of some commonly-added essential oils used in creating CBD oil, including the following:

  • Lavender oil is a popular choice because it’s known for its calming properties and can help with anxiety. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits, which may help reduce pain in joints or muscles.
  • Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil is another popular option because it improves cognitive function. Aside from its refreshing properties, this oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help with pain relief.
  • Rosemary oil: This essential oil is known for improving cognitive function and memory. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits, which may help reduce pain in the body.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is often used as an ingredient in skincare products because it has soothing properties and can help reduce inflammation. It also has anti-fungal properties, which makes it great for treating acne!
  • Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil is known for its ability to relieve congestion and clear up sinuses. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help with pain relief.

If you’re interested in adding essential oils to your CBD oil, be sure to do your research beforehand. Some essential oils can interact with medications, so it’s important to know what you’re working with before adding them to your CBD oil!

So now that you know all about carrier oils and essential oils, which one will you choose? It depends on what extras you want with your infused oil. If you’re going to keep things simple, then a carrier oil alone will do. But if you’re going to give your product that extra oomph, don’t be afraid to experiment with some essential oil.

What is the difference between marijuana and Hemp?

The most significant difference between marijuana and Hemp is that they’re from different plant species. Marijuana comes from Cannabis sativa, while Hemp comes from Cannabis indica. Marijuana is known for its psychoactive properties, while Hemp is used for industrial purposes (like making CBD oil). Hemp also has a much lower THC content than marijuana does.

What marijuana and hemp strains are high in CBD?

Though a few marijuana strains contain high CBD content, some of the best include Harlequin, ACDC, and Charlotte’s Web. These strains are known for their high CBD content, making them perfect for making CBD oil. If you’re looking for a strain that’s high in CBD and low in THC, then we recommend checking out Charlotte’s Web or ACDC.

On the other hand, if you need a cannabis flower high in THC and low in CBD, we recommend checking out Harlequin or Cannatonic. These strains are known for their high THC levels but still have some CBD content as well.

Some hemp strains are also known to produce higher levels of CBD, including the strains Sour Tsunami, Cannatonic, and ACDC. If you’re looking for a hemp strain that’s high in CBD, then we recommend checking out one of these three strains!

What is the difference between CBD oil and THC oil?

The most significant difference between CBD oil and THC oil is that CBD oil doesn’t get you high, while THC oil does. The reason for this is that CBD isn’t psychoactive like THC is, which means it won’t affect your mental state in any way whatsoever!

CBD also has many health benefits such as relieving pain and inflammation, reducing anxiety and depression, improving sleep quality etc…

So if you’re looking for an oil that will help you relax and enjoy the psychoactive effects of THC, then we recommend checking out THC oil. However, if you’re looking for an oil with all the benefits of CBD without any psychoactive effects, we recommend checking out CBD oil!

Should I make my own CBD oil or buy it?

There are pros and cons to making your own CBD oil and buying it. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of making your homemade product will help you decide whether it is worth your time and effort. Here are the pros of making your own cannabidiol oil.

You know exactly what’s going on.

When you make your own CBD oil, you’re in control of the ingredients and ensure that they’re all high-quality. This is not always the case with CBD oils that you buy from stores, as there may be filler ingredients or chemicals in them that you don’t want to be consuming.

It’s cheaper than buying it pre-made

If you have the resources to make your own CBD oil, then you might want to consider it because it’ll save money in the long run! The only downside is that it can be time-consuming, so if you don’t have much spare time, we recommend sticking with buying CBD oil from stores.

You can customize the recipe.

If you’re interested in making CBD oil but don’t know where to start, then this is for you! You can experiment with different amounts of cannabis and carrier oils until you find a combination that works best for you.

However, there are also some downsides to making your own CBD oil:

It takes time and effort.

Making your own CBD oil involves gathering the ingredients and equipment, which can be hard if you’re not familiar with them all yet. It also takes a while before everything is ready (about six hours).

It’s not as potent as buying it pre-made

Because you’re making the CBD oil yourself, there’s no telling how much THC or CBD is actually in each dose since it depends on the quality of cannabis used and the amount that was added to begin with. This means that if you want stronger effects from your CBD oil, then you’ll need to make a stronger batch.

You may not get consistent results each time you make it.

Making marijuana-infused oils is tricky because so many variables can affect how potent the final product turns out (like temperature and timing). This means if you’re making your own CBD oil at home, there’s no telling how much THC or CBD you’ll get in each dose when it comes time to use them.

It can be hard to find the right ingredients and equipment.

Making your own CBD oil requires a lot of planning (like gathering all necessary tools), as well as finding high-quality cannabis buds from somewhere reliable so that you get consistent results each time.

It’s important to remember, though, this doesn’t mean buying CBD oil is better than making your own! Each person has different needs and preferences regarding which method works best for them personally (for example, some people may prefer the taste of homemade cannabis-infused butter over store bought CBD oil). Whichever option you choose, make sure to do your research and read the labels carefully to ensure that you’re getting a quality product.

How do I take CBD oil?

You can take CBD in various ways: sublingually, orally, or topically.


This is the most popular way to take CBD and involves placing the oil under your tongue and letting it absorb into your bloodstream. Sublingual use provides a quick and effective relief compared to other consumption methods. The only downside is that the effects tend to subside quickly as well.


If you’re looking for longer-lasting effects, oral consumption might be a better option for you. This involves swallowing the CBD oil in pill or capsule form. It can take a while to kick in (30-60 minutes), but when it does, the results tend to last much longer than if you took it sublingually.


If you’re looking for localized relief, then applying CBD oil topically might be the way to go. This involves rubbing the oil into the skin in the area that’s hurting or inflamed. It can take a while to see results (up to an hour), but they tend to be pretty long-lasting when it does.

No matter which CBD consumption method you choose to follow, it’s essential to start slowly and gradually increase the dosage, so you don’t experience intense side effects. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement!

Can I make homemade cannabis edibles with CBD oil?

Yes, you can make edibles with CBD oil! However, it’s important to remember that CBD oil will need to be cooked into the food effectively. You can either cook it directly into the food or mix it with some butter or oil to make a “cannabutter” or “cannaoil” that can then be used in any recipe.

The time required to cook your CBD oil will depend on the recipe and how strong you want them. For example, if you’re cooking it into brownies, it won’t take very long at all, but for something like spaghetti that needs more heat exposure, some adjustments may be required before serving (read on below).

How do I cook CBD oil into food?

There are a few different ways to cook CBD oil into food. Here are two popular methods:


This is the most common way to do it and is very simple. All you need is a pot or pan and some heat source. Start by heating your desired food on the stovetop and then adding the CBD oil. You’ll want to stir regularly to ensure that it cooks evenly.


If you’re looking for a slower cooking method, using an oven is a great option. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and then place your food in an oven-safe dish. Add the CBD oil before putting it in the oven and bake for 30-45 minutes. Again, you’ll want to stir regularly to ensure even cooking.

Like with any other recipe, always do a test run before serving it to guests! It’s important to note that the taste may be slightly altered when cooking with CBD oil, so you may want to adjust your seasoning accordingly.

What happens if I cook CBD oil for too long?

If you cook CBD oil for too long, it can start to degrade and lose some of its potency. This means that the THC and CBD levels may not be as strong as if they were cooked correctly. It’s important to note that every recipe is different, so it’s always best practice to test out your desired cooking time beforehand.

How can CBD oil help you?

If you need a cannabis aid to help with insomnia or other sleeping disorders, then CBD could be an option worth exploring. There are many ways in which it can benefit your health and well-being.

CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety levels, decrease pain perception of the body (which can be helpful for people with chronic pain), and improve sleep quality. In addition, it’s also non-habit forming, so you don’t have to worry about developing a dependence on it.

If you’re interested in trying CBD oil for sleep, we recommend starting with a low dosage and incrementally increasing it to build tolerance. And as always, consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement!

Do I need a doctor’s prescription to use CBD oil?

No, purchasing or making your own CBD oil does not require you to get a physician’s approval. However, one should note that not all CBD oils are created equal. Make sure you do your research and only buy from reputable sources to ensure you’re getting a quality product.

Many people say that CBD helps them feel more relaxed, but there’s no evidence that it will make you high or alter your mind in any way. Most users don’t even notice any difference at all!

How long does CBD oil last?

CBD oil can last for up to a year when stored in a cool, dark place. However, it’s important to note that the shelf life will vary depending on the carrier oil used and the dosage.

If you’re using CBD oil for sleep or another condition, we recommend starting with a small dose and working your dose up until you find what works best for you. This will help ensure you’re getting the most out of your oil and that it lasts as long as possible

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